The Benefits of Rapid Tooling Services


Injection molding is one of the most recognized and cost-efficient methods of producing large quantities of products or parts. However, there is one area of the process that can still give headaches to manufacturers – mold making and tooling. This scenario has changed in the last decade because of innovations in the manufacturing industry.

Along with these innovations is the rise of rapid tooling. This method has helped many businesses to produce parts and products faster, meeting the time-to-market requirements. Want to know more about the benefits of rapid tooling services? Read this article as we discuss the many advantages of using one of these manufacturing innovations.


The first benefit of rapid tooling is lowered cost. In injection molding, the price of the mold usually takes the bigger slice of the manufacturing budget. It is a significant investment, and you can only have a decent ROI when the mold is used for huge quantities. But for producing a small batch or prototyping purpose only, it is not a sound investment.

Using rapid tooling, you can save up to 95% of the cost compared to traditional methods. By prototyping tools and molds, tweaking and redefining the designs can be more flexible. It also gives access to manufacturers on a shoestring budget to tooling.

Faster Turnaround Time

In manufacturing, the cost-benefit of rapid tooling is dependent on the length of time a tool is produced. Using conventional tooling might take months, but rapid tooling will take only weeks, even days. Imagine what it can do to your business. It can result in fast time-to-market for companies and flexibility in production for the manufacturers.

It Optimizes the Product

The rapid turnaround times in the early part of the production can allow modifications to the design of the mold until the manufacturer achieve the desired functions and characteristic of a part or product. The engineers can determine the design faults and address them before the production run, which saves time and money along the way.

According to Nice Rapid Tooling Services, a leading service provider in China, unlike rapid prototyping, this method allows the manufacturers to test the part or product before going into full production run. The prototypes are not merely models in rapid tooling. Instead, they can be evaluated in the same way as the final product.

The molds produced in rapid tooling are even better because it can fulfill the whole production series that required thousands of parts.

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